Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sedalia Church - Christmas

This is a photo of my neice's wedding ceremony one year ago, Jan. 5, 2008, at Sedalia Church. Note the Christmas decorations and the beautiful tree.

Jump forward one year:

Last  night we met to un-decorate the Christmas tree at the church. Only four of us showed up and none of us were the super athletes who might have more easily climbed the ladders and man-handled the big tree. But the four of us still managed to take things down and pack it up.  Hopefully, some others have put it all away.

We all were reluctant, not because of the work, but because we all hated to see the beauty of the season packed away for the year. My sister and I especially enjoy it since we used some of our mother's memorial money to buy the tall slender tree. Our church is a beautiful but small old historic church out in the country.  Check out a fellow church member's site - Sedalia. It has an interesting story which I'll save for another day.

Anyway we've always tried to find a live tree that was tall enough to look good in the front corner, yet not so big around as to poke the pianist in the back. My Mom, respectfully known by all as Grandma Elsie, when alive played for second service. And she had many a pine needle poking her at Christmas time.

So after she took those fragrent pokes all those years, my sister and I decided to finally find an artificial tree that fit the space. Too late for Mom to experience, this was the second season we have used it. We're all enjoying it. Thanks, Grandma E!

The tree came with a zillion lights attached and so far they have worked beautifully. The ornaments are a collection of primarily angel ornaments given in memory of loved ones already gone. Green swags w/red bows, log ornaments w/candles and lights, old fashion lamps, and several nativity sets complete the festive dressing. Only the alter candles are lit now days in respect for safety.  I loved it when we lit the oil lamps in the windows for Christmas eve but I can understand the concern. There's only one door and the minister always told us at the front of the church not to fear, he had a hatchet in the pulpit and we'd all go out the windows.

Grandma Elsie played for Sunday School and Bible School as well as for church for many, many years. The kids all loved her. 

We are a congregation of many descendants of local settlers but also include many newcomers; being near a large university and a large Army base means we have folks coming and going thru the neighborhood all the time. One little boy went to visit his grandparents out-of-state but after a few days told his Mom he wanted to go see his other grandma. Knowing there weren't any other grandparents besides the ones he was visiting, they couldn't understand what he meant until he said, you know, Grandma Elsie!

Yes, that tree and the beautiful decorations mean a lot to all the church family, but especially to me. Its like Mom is right there with us, only not being poked in the back!


coloradocowgirl said...

I miss her too and cried a tear or two when you helped me remember her.

Ranch wife said...

Thanks for sharing that. I miss my grandmother and I miss going to the old country church that I grew up in. Your story brought back many fond memories.
