Goodness me! I see I haven't posted since the 12th of Oct. It has been busy, busy!
Mid-October I went to Cheyenne by way of Colorado to a college rodeo. The family and I stayed at The Plainsman Hotel, an old hotel in downtown Cheyenne. The younger granddaughters didn't like that it didn't have an indoor swimming pool but I thought the nostalgic atmosphere was great fun. I roomed with the granddaughters other grandma, who remembered there was a Jimmy Stewart movie about a place in Cheyenne, The Cheyenne Social Club. Seems Stewart was a cowpoke who inherited a brothel...... This couldn't have been the place.......
The granddaughter competed well, made the short go in 2 events and ended up placing 8th I think in the breakaway roping. She went for it and were it not for that calf being about 3 inches slower than you would want, she would have won that event. Rodeo builds great character!
Since then I went to Washington DC for the work convention. Spent my free day walking in the rain to see the WWII memorial. Also went to the new American Indian museum, part of the Smithsonian complex. Wow! It is most definitely worth seeing. They have a food court featuring foods related to native people in varying areas of the country. I ate salmon from the Northwest. One of my office mates ate buffalo sandwich from the Plains area, and the other had rabbit pot pie from the Northeast. Good food served in a beautiful setting.
My daughter BK, gd Annie and Annie's friend Mikki stayed with me 4 nights and saw a good portion of DC. Their favorites included the old post office building, Ford's Theater, and who knows what else. I met them at the airport the first night and we had a limo tour of DC back to the hotel. The only trouble was it was raining (rained most of the time we were there) and the windows steamed over.
Because I had to be in DC, I missed out on going to my sister-in-law's funeral. The other daughter attended for all of us. She took the youngest g-son who is 6. While at the cemetery she showed him his grandfather's grave (my husband). Bob was a farmer and a fisherman, thus his gravestone has a shaft of wheat and a leaping fish on it. Coy looked things over, then said, "So, a fish killed him?"
Its been an especially pretty fall here and I almost had time to enjoy it.